Pseudo : Password :

Attendez moi! Si jamais je ne me montre vraiment pas, votre navigateur ne me supporte pas, mettez le à jour!
Pre-registration reward #1
Goal achieved!

Gold coins on pre-registered accounts will be doubled upon official registration! From 1000 to 2000 gold!

Pre-registration reward #2
Goal achieved!

Pre-registered accounts will have an experience potion in their inventory upon official registration! This experience potion will allow you to gain 150 experience points !

Pre-registration reward #3
Goal achieved!

Pre-registered accounts will have 5 colors of the pair of eyes Neutral human eyes when they officially register!

Pre-registration reward #4
Goal achieved!

Pre-registered accounts will have, at their official registration, 5 vials of black hair dye , as well as 5 vials of 5 colors of different hair dye as a bonus!

Pre-registration reward #5
46/55 - 55 %

Pre-registered accounts will be entitled to their official registration at 100 souls ! Souls are the game's special currency!

Pre-registration reward #6

Pre-registered accounts will have the Ringu haircut in their inventory!

Pre-registration reward #7

Pre-registered accounts will be entitled to 100 fragments of the Alizerion pet! This pet is an exclusive pet to Adam the bargainer 's store and can only be found in his store!

Pre-registration reward #8

Pre-registered accounts will have access to the Dragon offspring shirt in 3 different colors in their inventory!

Pre-registration reward #9

Pre-registered accounts will have access to the BunnyBlaze onesie with a pattern of 3 different colors in their inventory!

Pre-registration reward #10

Pre-registered accounts will have access to the set of 2 Kitty devotion pieces of 3 different colors in their inventory!

Chapter 1
The visitor

You stayed locked up in a small prison cell for a long time with your only fellow inmate Alexei. On the other hand, you have an unusual visitor ...

The town crier